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Boxing Classes


Boxing Classes are a combination of circuit training, focus pad work, punching bag drills and sparring. In other words skills and drills.

Circuit Training:

The Circuit consists of a variety of upper, core and lower body exercises. These exercises lay the foundation for improving levels of fitness in all of the ten major categories especially Muscular Strength and Cardiovascular Endurance, Speed and Power, Co-ordination and Flexibility.


Focus Pad work:

Focus Pad or Boxing Mitt work is an integral part of the session, and its main purpose is to develop correct punching technique and punching in combinations. Pad routines condition the boxers' reflexes, timing and ability to predict and respond to an opposing movement, with the aim of hitting your opponent and not being hit in return. Pads put simply try to replicate a fight scenario and are the next best thing to actual sparring. 

Punching Bag Drills:

Bag drills develop a boxer's hand speed, stamina, coordination and execution of combination punches.  The bags range from speed balls, floor to ceiling, tear drop and heavy bags for resistance training. 


Sparring can take on a number of forms, it can be light, it can be heavy, it can be body or head sparring, it can be partner drills working on defensive and offensive routines and combos. But whatever form it takes sparring is always supervised and safety is paramount.    

The classes are designed to accommodate those who are interested in self-defense, fitness or competition.



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